Commercial pool collector/surge tanks are a vital part of the pool circulation system.
The tanks are needed to ensure the pool equipment runs efficiently and the water chemistry is effectively managed. So whenever a tank gets a leak; hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water can be lost per day. This not only costs you a lot of money, but affects the water chemistry and can cause additional longer term problems caused by back-fill erosion as well as result in the temporary closure of the pool.
The default solution offered by most pool contractors, or leak detection companies, is to "replace the tank" in full. Here at Green Turtle Fiberglass, we have developed a wealth of propriety procedures and materials that means in most cases, the tanks can be repaired or renovated with replacement being the last resort.
Tank Repairs:
90% of the time we can repair your small, medium or large tanks. This can save you thousands of dollars.
Tank Renovations:
A majority of the time we can repair and renovate your tank to set up up for the next 10-15 years at significantly less cost than replacing the tank.
Tank Replacement:
Only as a very last resort do we recommend your tanks are replaced. If this is the case, then we can coordinate the install from start to finish.